Happy 8th birthday Sophie

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Happy 8th birthday, Sophie! Your dad and I thank God for you every day! You are loving, thoughtful, kind, compassionate, and gentle. I pray you never lose those qualities because they are sorely needed in our world now more than ever.

You are funny, playful and joyful, filling our home with your laughter and animated chatter. I pray you never lose your joy, sense of humour and ability to laugh at yourself because it’s important not to take yourself too seriously. ?

At your young age you are incredibly persistent and hardworking, learning the value of diligence in your schoolwork, consistently aiming for high marks, and in tennis – already you’ve expressed your desire to compete in tournaments! I pray you never lose your enthusiasm for worthwhile pursuits and courage to chase after your dreams because they will serve you well in life.

Most of all, I pray you cling ever tightly to your faith in and love for God as you grow up. That you will learn to depend wholly on Him and trust His plans for you. That you will find your identity in Him and seek His will always.

We love you, sweetie. ❤️

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