This post has been sitting in my hard drive for a week now. But I guess it’s just as well because it is Thanksgiving and that is what I’m writing about. You see, I poked fun at my turning another year older on another post but the truth is, I appreciate how blessed my life has been and is. It’s not always easy, never been perfect. But the following quote is something I stumbled upon recently and it sums up beautifully how I choose to live my life.

“The greatest part of our happiness depends on our dispositions, not our circumstances.” – Martha Washington

It’s impossible to list them all here and I don’t want to bore you to tears with all the little, delightful things that I am thankful for like chocolates, french fries, popcorn, cream puffs, chips, cake, nail polish, makeup and coffee. Today though, I want to focus on what have been and are closest to my heart, all these 32 glorious years.

I am blessed with fabulous family – nuclear, immediate, extended, in-laws – whatever you want to call it. It’s the most wondrous thing to know that a whole LOT of people love you and are behind you. We do not see eye to eye on everything all the time, but with God’s grace, we have managed to not whack each other love each other despite and even because of our differences.

I’m grateful for my health and that of my family’s. Sure, we get the common cold a lot during the course of one year. Or the flu. Early this year, I even caught amoebiasis. It was NO fun. Yuck. And just this week, my daughter had her first serious case of fever brought on by tonsillitis. All the more, I am grateful that we don’t have severe illnesses or diseases to deal with.

Every day that I wake up beside My Man and Little Miss is a day that I call blessed. I see them and I know that I am where I should be. I tend to lose sight of this blessing sometimes, especially when there’s lots of laundry to put away, cleaning that need to be done, bags that need to be packed or unpacked, and at times literally no stopping for rest until very late at night. They are such magnificent gifts that I truly cherish.

I am thankful for great friends, near and far. They keep me sane and accept me for all my nuttiness. They let me share in their joys and allow me to comfort them in their sorrows. They are hilarious, wise, loving, honest, thoughtful, and sometimes have large appetites as I do. You know who you are!

My faith in God has sustained me all these years, and it’s nothing that I can lay claim to. He has been an ever-constant Companion all those years when I felt so alone. A Father for all those times that I felt like I belonged nowhere and to no one. The Coach who keeps cheering me on when I begin to doubt myself. He is all these and more. AND because He is King and I am His daughter, that makes me a princess. Who could ever ask for more? 😉

I am overwhelmed by the recent opportunities that have opened up for me. True, I have not been able to write here as much as I used to, and as much as I’d like, because of the responsibilities that come with having a job. It comes with the territory and I’m not complaining. Also, I am beyond amazed that I am even employed in the first place, especially during these difficult days. More than that, I am actually doing something that I really love.

And, of course, I am thankful for this little corner in the blogosphere that I have, where actual live people, like you, come to read my nonsense. And even though the activity has sort of flat-lined lately I WILL be back and I WILL try to write more and read more.

Finally, I leave you with this verse that reminds me why we ought to be thankful every single day. Because really, even if things aren’t going as we hoped it would, or everywhere around us we feel like the world is falling apart, one thing remains true: God is good.

“Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise; be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the Lord is good…” – Psalm 100:4, 5a

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